Painting nails |
Today was my last day in Eguafo. I am feeling very sad as well as very happy. We have accomplished a lot while I have been here, but there is so much that I wish I could still do. 3 weeks seemed like such a long time when I planned my trip here, but now that I am here it is WAY too short. I believe that Eguafo was the perfect place for me to be. I visited a few of the other orphanages on my way back to Accra today and the orphanages were beautiful, but they seemed like they were already finished. Even though I had a little worse living conditions I am so happy for the experience. I feel like I really got to live like the people in the village do, and I also feel priveledge to start a new program where I was really needed. I really feel like I have been a part of a great beginning.
New Uniforms! |
We were able to pick up the new uniforms for the two boys who did not have them on Tuesday, the boys were so excited to have them, and they looked great in them on Wednesday morning!
We finished painting the library and picked up the bookshelves on Tuesday. We spent most of the day on Wednesday touching up paint on the doors and windows, installing the lock, and putting a finish on the books shelves. Tomorrow will be the first day that the books go on the shelves and the library can be used.
I am truly going to miss this place and especially these children. I honestly feel like I just began to feel comfortable and really start to know the people here. I plan to stay in touch with David and hopefully continue to be involved with Sankofa in the future. I would love to be able to return one day to see the children and the progress that has been made.
*I will post pictures of the completed library when I receive them from the other volunteers as well as the web address for the new website.